Creating fresh liturgies for Zambia’ today The city of Lusaka is often called a ‘construction site’ by its residents due to the constant building and expansion of the city. This liturgy for blessing a new office block site has been written cooperatively by a group of Bachelor of Theology students at the United Church of […]
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Opening Prayers of adoration, thanksgiving & confession – Zambia
A contemporary service in a United Church of Zambia congregation will usually include a ‘Prayer of Adoration, thanksgiving and confession’ following either the Call to Worship or the first hymn. The prayers included on this post are written by students of ministry and theology at the United Church of Zambia University in Mindolo, Kitwe. They […]
Read full textPrayers for Illumination — Zambia
These prayers for illumination, variations on a theme, were shared by students of theology and ministry preaching at morning devotions at the United Church of Zambia University, Mindolo. By Thomas Bwalya God, our father and mother, we open our hearts to you this morning. Speak to us as we interact with the text read. By […]
Read full textRainbow of God’s design — Wellingtone Bawalya, Zambia
Inspired by 1 Corinthians 4:3-6 (Eighth Sunday after Epiphany, Year A) This prayer arises from a homily given at Morning Chapel, United Church of Zambia University. Wellingtone’s words have been adapted as a prayer by Ana Gobledale. My parents, sisters and brothers in Christ, join me in prayer. Creator God, how wonderful it is that […]
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