words matter

The Power of Words

God speaks the universe into creation. Words of kindness create goodness; words of cruelty create hurt. Our words matter. What words are we using in worship?

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Words Matter, Children’s Message — Tod Gobledale, UK

Arising from the Book of James Picture 1: Girl at school Once upon a time…a new girl comes to school. Picture 2: Map of UK with arrows from old home (Edinburgh) to new home (London); the map may be of any relevant country and towns. She comes from far, far away. She talks differently. She […]

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Just Words, a poem (Luke 6:45) — Tony Robinson, USA

For it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks. – Luke 6:45 (Lection Epiphany 8, Year C) There’s a popular wisdom that says words don’t matter. It’s actions that are important. You hear it in expressions like, “It’s not what you say, but what you do that counts,” or “Your actions […]

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