While written specifically for URC Commitment for Life churches, this monologue, adapted from a Christian Aid news story, may be adapted easily for any congregation connected to Christian Aid or wishing to raise awareness of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Worship Leader: Commitment for Life is our church’s way to make a difference in the […]
Read full textWorld Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel
Go break down walls, benediction – WCC
Blessed are you, who trust in the Almighty and put your hope in God. You are like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots to the river. When heat comes, you do not fear, your leaves remain green. You do not grieve the year of drought nor cease to bear fruit. Blessed […]
Read full textThe Wall (adapted) — Patriarch Emeritus Michel Sabbah
For Jesus is our peace… and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us. –Ephesians 2:14 You came to us to demolish barriers between people, To establish peace and to unite hearts And to create a new ‘human being’ who does not know enmity but only love. Look at us all, […]
Read full textPrayers for Palestine & Israel — Jan Sutch Pickard
A prayer for the World Week of Prayer for Peace in Palestine and Israel (third week of September) God, loving Parent of all humankind, You are our Peace. In Jesus you embodied peace with justice – And you still do— Peace at its most down-to-earth, Peace, which can still prevail In the face of all […]
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