Abba Prayer – Rex A E Hunt, Australia

You are invited to pray in the spirit of the Lord’s Prayer, and in your original language, as that is appropriate.

All Gracious Spirit,
Who loves us like a mother,
Whose realm is blooming among us now.
And within.

We pray that your compassion guide us in every action.
Give us what we need for each day,
and help us to be satisfied with the miracle of that alone.

Forgiver, whose embrace brings us to wholeness without our asking,
May we reconcile ourselves to one another in humility.
And may we cancel the crushing debts that imprison our neighbours
So that communities of joy and health may flourish.

May we neither profit from nor ignore evil.
But ever work to thwart it with non-violence
As we co-create the realm of peace in this world.
Now and each day.

Rex AE Hunt has written Progressive Prayers on every theme, for every occasion written over a 40 year ministry in the Uniting Church of Australia.

‘These sample prayers, written to be spoken, are logged in two groups: soft-theistic and non-theistic/post-theistic. They seek to be shaped by a progressive, post-liberal theology. When soft-theistic, they attempt to use new or different metaphors when addressing the presentness of the sacred. Lament rather than confession is also a feature of some.’  — Rex A E Hunt

Click on the link to explore the numerous resources on Rex Hunt’s Progressive Liturgy website.

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