Ukukabila, My heart’s desire, song — Cephas Ng’oma, Zambia

Lyrics are sung in Bemba and translated below into English.

Here’s a link to Cephas Ng’oma singing this song.



Uku Yahweh ekukabila kwa mutima wandi
(YHWH, this is my heart’s desire)
Uku Yahweh ekukabila kwa mweo wandi
(YHWH, this is my life’s desire)
Isusheni umutima wandi
(Fill my heart)
Isusheni umweo wandi
(Fill my life)

Verse One

Welesa niwe Tata Nachetekelamo
(God, I put my trust in You)
Nomweo wandi, Niwebo Lesa wampele
(Even the life I have came from You)
Eicho nabwela kuli iwe nati umbonfye nemwana obe
(for this reason, I have come back to you so you can use me)
uku Tata ekukabila kwa mutina wandi
(this is my heart’s desire).
Wewaishiba intendekelo nempela yandi…
(You who knows my beginning and my ending…)
Njisusha nobufwayo bobe nalomba Tata
(I ask you to fill me with your will)
Uku Tata ekukabila kwa mutina wandi
(This is my heart’s desire)
Uku Tata ekukabila kwa mweo wandi
(this is my life’s desire)


Uku Yahweh ekukabila kwa mutima wandi
(YHWH, this is my heart’s desire)
Uku Yahweh ekukabila kwa mweo wandi
(YHWH, this is my life’s desire)
Isusheni umutima wandi
(Fill my heart)
Isusheni umweo wandi
(Fill my life)

Verse Two

Just as a deer pants for the streams of waters, and so my heart longs for you, my God.
Mwekanfukwenfukwe ka menshi muchiswebebe
(You are a fountain of water in the wilderness.)
Sosa kuli ine naine insose Kubana bobe
(Speak to me that I may speak to your children)
uku Tata ekukabila kwa mutina
(This is my heart’s desire)
Ibala Tata lyakula Ababonfi bachepa, Epondi ntumeni ndeya
(The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few),
Epondi ntumeni ndeya
(I am available, send me and I will go)
Uku Tata ekukabila kwa mutina wandi
(This is my heart’s desire)


Uku Yahweh ekukabila kwa mutima wandi
(YHWH, this is my heart’s desire)
Uku Yahweh ekukabila kwa mweo wandi
(YHWH, this is my life’s desire)
Isusheni umutima wandi
(Fill my heart)
Isusheni umweo wandi
(Fill my life)

Naipela kuli iwe, Tata wandi
(I give myself to you)
Naipela kuli iwe Lesa wandi
(I give myself to you, my God) X3

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