Time for worship has arrived.
Worship leaders gather for prayer.
What words will inspire us? guide us? ground us?
What words will remind us of the need for both humility and authority?
What words will connect us to our common purpose, faith and God?
This quiet time for gathering and invoking the presence of the holy provides a foundation for the nearing service.
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Now, for this space, I put them all aside,
the awesome things for which no words will come.
Such grief must go where only God is guide.
Our lovely plane darkens. Nightmares ride.
The sunlit waters thicken into scum.
Now, for this space, I put them all aside.
I read of torture others bleed. Outside
the thin screams rise. They keen a steady hum.
Such grief must go where only God is guide.
The aging skeletons no robe can hide
when eyes go out and soul surrenders, dumb,
now, for this space, I put them all aside.
Beyond compassion’s reach, our guilt or pride,
is hurt so huge our human mercy’s numb.
Such grief must go where only God is guide.
Who could contain these evils, and confide
the awesome things for which no words will come?
Such grief must go where only God is guide.
Copyright © by Jeanne Lohmann