Voice, hymn — Sam Goodman

Tune: Hereford

A voice for the voiceless
A promise of forgiveness
A chance to be
A people of blessing
A call to share love that
God richly gives so freely
A love that encompasses
A world that needs its healing

A voice in the darkness
To shine a light on visions
That show us the way
To minister your love
The grace to know how we can
Reach out to build bridges
To offer you voice in the
Cacophony of silence

A voice of compassion
A voice the speaks with power
To challenge all
That lessens God’s people
A voice and words that speak
Of justice and healing
A voice that consistently
Brings Good News we can share in

A voice that is ready
To sing our songs of praises
To thank you for all
The blessings you give us
And patience to wait for those
Blessings you pour on us
Your voice guiding our feet
To follow where you lead us


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