What does it mean to trust you, hymn — Ray Stanyon, UK

Trust, Watched Word by John Potter, UK

Tune: Passion Chorale by Hans Leo Hassler (1562-1612)
Harmony: JS Bach (1685-1750)

What does it mean to trust you
With trouble everywhere?
What does it mean to serve you
When no-one seems to care?
What does it mean to need you
When life says just be strong?
What does it mean to love you
When we can’t get along?

O speak to reassure us
That you are with us now!
God break our selfish pride as
You bend with bowl and towel!
Then use our times of weakness
To turn our hearts to you
As we fall on our faces
And learn your will to do.

Then faith shall stand for ever
As strength and guide and goal
Mercy and grace shall flow free
To make all people whole.
Then we’ll grow strong in weakness
And in your faithfulness
Your love that stands for all time
We’ll cherish and confess.

Ray has generously given Worship Words permission to share these hymns for you to use in worship.
Please cite him as the author: Words © RNC Stanyon
More hymns by Ray can be found on his YouTube channel:  Ray Stanyon YouTube.

Image: ‘Watched Word: Trust’ by John Potter, UK

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