Where is the Love? — John van de Laar, South Africa

Where is the love?

Prayer of confession and intercession

When we treat our faith as nothing more than a self-help system
and you, God, as simply a cure for whatever ails us,
Where is the love?

When we use the gifts our planet gives us
with little care for our wastefulness and destruction,
Where is the love?

When we deny and disdain truths and practices
that others hold dear,
Where is the love?

When we ignore the sickness, the loneliness,
the struggle and the vulnerability of others,
because it doesn’t affect us,
Where is the love?

When we berate ourselves for our failures,
or hold ourselves to impossible and trivial standards,
Where is the love?

Forgive us,
and teach us and our world
what it really means
to love.

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