May the moon that illuminated
the night of the shepherds of Bethlehem,
embrace your fears and your struggles,
renew your yearnings for a good life
and your hope in the arrival of peace.
May the star that guided
those who migrated from distant lands guide
your searches
and lead you always to the entrust
with the God revealed in fragility.
And may the sun of divine justice
shine forth, announcing the new day,
the time of solidarity,
the moment of transformation,
the promised hour of fulfilment.
Bendición de los astros (original text)
Que la luna que iluminó
la noche de los pastores de Belén,
abrace tus temores y tus luchas,
renueve tus anhelos de vida buena
y tu esperanza en la llegada de la paz.
Que la estrella que guió
a quienes migraron de tierras lejanas,
oriente tus búsquedas
y te conduzca siempre al enuentro
con el Dios revelado en la fragilidad.
Y que el sol de la justicia divina
brille anunciando el día nuevo,
el tiempo de la solidaridad,
el momento de la transformación,
la hora prometida de la plenitud.
‘Gerardo is pastor of the Reformed Churches in Argentina, coordinator of the Crearte Network since its foundation since 2004. He has stood out for his poetic texts and song lyrics. His interest in liturgical renewal has resulted in an active collaborative walk with various institutions and churches around the world.’
Gerardo writes: ‘Of course you can use texts, poems, songs and other resources from my own hand. There are some already translated.
I´ll give permission for free if you will use the resources in a non-commercial way. I use the Creative CXommons license for my texts and songs.’
This benediction was posted previously on Maren Tirabassi’s blog, Gifts in Open Hands.