Pentecost 14C

Lean into Grace, Call to Worship — Cara Heafey

Come, all you weary ones, you hopeful ones, you hurting ones. Bring your grateful hearts and your tender wounds. You are welcome here. Lean into the grace that invites you onto holy ground. Breathe in the love that surrounds you. You are welcome here. Come, Spirit of God, playful and wild. Truth-teller, change-bringer You are […]

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Photo of St. James Emsworth, Rachel Shaw, UK

Psalm 71 Renewed — Duncan Wilson, UK

Epiphany 4 and Pentecost 11, Year C Loving One, all I want is to be safe with you; keep away the people who only come to mock me. Let me feel your strength coming to my rescue, hear me and stand by me when trouble comes. Be like a rock to me, my security and […]

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