What of colour and faith? What colour would you assign to love or to peace? What colour symbolises God or Jesus? How would you use colour to describe the feelings and emotions of trust, joy, anger, depression, dreams, hope, loneliness, or thankfulness?
Colour has become a way of life for me. Now I find praying in colour as easy as praying in words
David Yeo Poulton
David explains:
‘As a Christian with dyslexia (dyslexia comes from the Greek meaning ‘difficulty with words’), I consider it a gift form God that brings with it new challenges to my own creative style of worship. I use colour just as some people use key-words. For me, colourful prayer is a liberating experience, and one that I hope you will feel able to try for yourself. Remember, you do not have to be an artist to engage in colourful prayer, in PrayerWeaving.’
Some of David’s ColourWeaving prayers: