This service was compiled in 2007 for Boronia Church of Christ, Boronia, Victoria, Australia
Call to Communion
Face the music. Jesus calls us to follow him, not just to another party of praise, but to the hard work of bringing God’s love and justice into this world of violence and fear. Let us prepare ourselves by confessing our sin.
Prayer of Confession
One: Source of all Life, we gather as your people, broken and regretful.
All: Eternal One, hear our prayer of confession.
One: We like the path of life to be easy, comfortable, untroubled.
We get angry and impatient when problems arise and hardships persist.
All: Please, forgive us.
One: We like the way to be fun and happy. We do not want the hard way that Jesus takes.
All: Please, forgive us.
One: We like power on our side and miracles for our benefit.
We do not like to confront the powers that be nor to face the drudgery of everyday living.
All: Please, forgive us.
One: We want to live free of fear, confrontation and risk. We do not like to face the music.
All: Please, forgive us.
One: Merciful One, forgive us our sins and strengthen us to be truly faithful.
All: Help us follow Jesus and face the music. Amen.
Words of Promise
God hears the confession of our hearts and lips.
Through faith we are forgiven and in hope are empowered for new life.
Words of Institution
As we hear once again the words of Paul describing the Last Supper Jesus had with his friends before his arrest, trial and death, let us each feel a new commitment to journey with Jesus to face the music, to face hardships, disappointments, and even suffering and harm for what is right.
Hear the words Paul shared with the people of Corinth, explaining this mysterious and powerful gathering:
For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when we has betrayed took a loaf of bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way he took the cup also, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.
Break Bread: When we share the bread, we share in the bread of life.
Raise Cup: When we drink from the cup, we share the cup of suffering.
Come for all things are ready.
Sharing the bread and the cup:
Bread: The bread of life!
Cup: The cup of suffering! The cup of salvation!
Prayer of Thanksgiving
On this first day of the week that is called “Holy Week,” we thank you for Jesus’s courage to do your will. Strengthen us through this meal to stand by him, to truly be the courageous body and blood of the faithful, and to accept risk and confrontation as elements of faithfulness. As this week passes, speak to us through its events, reminding us of your constant love, surprising grace, and caring power. Amen.