Driver’s License/Licence Blessing — Jim Burklo, USA

This blessing of the Driver’s Licence/license* might be held at home or in the gathering place of one’s faith community.

Ritual has great power to infuse a sense of deeper connection among people.  Recognizing the sacred responsibility that comes with a driver’s licence can invest a young person with an inner motivation to drive safely and considerately.


Light a single candle or have a small bowl of water to hand.

Ritual of Blessing

Invite the new driver to come forward holding their new licence.

Prayer: Hold the license/registration high, saying:

Dear ones, it is our prayerful intention that this licence will be a blessing for [name] and for all who drive with them/her/him or near them/her/him.
May they/she/he always be conscious of the great power which this licence invests in them/her/him.
May all drivers around them/her/him be just as conscious and aware as we hope they/she/he will be.
May they/she/he be filled with a spirit of patience, calm, kindness, and forbearance as they/she/he drive.
May their/her/his hands and their/her/his feet and their/her/his eyes be quick to avoid danger to themself/herself/himself and others.
May they/she/he drive far and wide, see many awesome things, travel to many amazing places, visit many wonderful people, for as long as this license/registration remains valid.
So be it!

Community blessing 

Now we will pass the licence among ourselves.
When it comes to you, I invite you to hold it with both hands and offer your blessing upon it, on [name of driver], and on all with whom they/she/he will come near on the road.
As this will take time, music might be played or sung.

Blessing action – after the licence has been circulated:

We invoke the power and presence of the Holy One in this special moment.
Hold the licence and pass it swiftly through the flame of the candle three times, as an act of blessing. If one wishes to not include an open flame, one might use a bowl of water and sprinkle water upon the licence three times.


Let all say: Congratulations, [name]!
Return the licence to the new driver.

*Note:  ‘licence’ is the English spelling; ‘license’ is the American spelling.


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