Easter Mystery— a quantum reflection, Heather Whyte, UK

I hear the Easter story,
a story of betrayal and anger, of sadness and despair,
of agony and anguish, of loss.
A story of hope?
A story of life beyond death?
A mystery!

Jesus is a name given to a relationship of energy.
Jesus is the body. The body died. The body was put in the tomb
but that which gave consciousness to the body was never in the tomb!
Jesus was not resurrected, the body was not brought back to life.
That which gave consciousness to the body was not resurrected
for it was never dead, it is for all time.

Life as we know it is a box of time in the space of infinity;
a reality of our choosing; a choice we have forgotten
and the remembering of which is the quest of our life,
glimpsed through moments when our soul connects to the beyond and we fly;
when we do not see with our eyes but with our whole;
when we leave the physical and move to the energy without.
When for a fleeting moment ‘I am’ becomes ‘we are’ and oneness is reality.
We reach for the reality of oneness for this is to be fully human.

A man from Nazareth, in that moment of history ‘I am’ became physical,
a relationship of energy creating the illusion of matter but for all time ‘I am’.
His name in that moment was Jesus, a name given by his physical mother and father,
but for all time ‘I am’.

For this moment I am physical,
a relationship of energy creating an illusion of matter but for all time ‘I am’.
My name in this moment is Heather, a name given by my physical mother and father
but for all time ‘I am’.

My life is continuous but in different realities;
for now I am on a quest to remember the life beyond this life
and to connect with the ‘I am’ of eternity,
the unbounded energy of the cosmos,
that, which in this reality I call God.
My example is Jesus who showed that the connection is possible
when all had forgotten they were connected.

Artwork by Heather Whyte.

This reflection first appeared in Progressive Voices, the magazine for the Progressive Christian Network in the UK.  Heather’s article, ‘Quantum Theology & hymnody’, was published in Progressive Voices, Issue 28, March 19, 2019.

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