Year C Easter 2
Reading: John 20:19-31, particularly verses 19-29.
Not specifically on the reading but on the general issue of doubt
Tune: Forest Green
For the lyrics, music and a power point, click here.
In Praise of Doubt
Some people say, ‘To doubt is wrong’
We should not doubt at all;
To question our beliefs, they say
Could bring about our fall;
But doubt permits an honest stance
In those who are devout;
For those who think about beliefs
Can sing in praise of doubt.
The Thomas’ story has been used
To judge, condemn, deplore;
But Thomas shows he is sincere;
He wanted to be sure.
For doubt can help but not deter
A vital turnabout;
Yes! Those who care about beliefs
Can sing in praise of doubt.
If our beliefs prevent our search
For new and different creeds;
Let us beware of narrow views
Where dogma often breeds;
With new, exciting facts we learn
Much love can come about;
Yes! Those who grow in their beliefs
Can sing in praise of doubt.
Lyrics may be used freely, as George Stuart has graciously granted access to all his hymns without copyright infringement. Explore George Stuart’s website for progressive and thoughtful lyrics relevant to a variety of rituals all set to familiar tunes. Three additional volumes provide hymns written for the lectionary texts of Church Years A, B and C. Lyrics and piano music are easily downloaded as pdfs.