Justice dwellers, prayer — Simon Cross, UK

A responsive prayer of intercession & confession

Silence:  a diamond symbol (♦) indicates a short pause.

One: God, we call to mind those unfairly imprisoned.
All: May your people dwell in justice.
One: We call to mind those who need help but cannot get it.
All: May your people dwell in justice. ♦
One: We call to mind all those who wield power and influence, financial, political, and military as well as physical and emotional.
All: May your people dwell in justice.
One: We call to mind the people who exist on the margins of society, where these pressures are most keenly felt.
All: May your people dwell in justice.
One: We acknowledge our responsibility – our compliance with systems that oppress and imprison, and seek to tread a better path.
All: May your people dwell in justice. ♦
One: As we repent of our part in systemic oppression, we align ourselves with all those working to restore balance and justice.
All: May your people dwell in justice.
One: Create in us clean hearts
All: And put a new and right spirit within us. (Psalm 51: 10)

Visit Simon Cross’s blog — ‘Researching and writing at the intersection of spirituality, well-being, mental health, social science and theology.’

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