Adapted from “Opening Prayer” by Gerardo Oberman, Argentina
(adapted for use at a leader’s gathering, by Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, USA)
At this junction on our journey, we heed your call, O God.
We gather as your people, looking for new life for our life.
We gather, as your imperfect children, aware of our moments of selfishness and ambition, our tendency for cynicism and fear, our times of confusion and doubt.
Yet your grace abounds, O Lord. Your everlasting love awaits us.
So we come as we are. With our shortcomings, yes, but also with our gifts, remembering that we are created in your image.
We come, and your Word nourishes us. Your Spirit calls us.
We come desiring to walk your ways of justice, to hear your words of wisdom and renewal,
We come to extend, like yours, our open hands…
May this meeting renew in us the audacity
To follow you and love you, every day, wherever you call us.