Come now, O Creator Spirit, come,
our hearts and souls inspire
Raise up your church, baptised
in water and with fire.
So each may take their place,
Sharing your love and grace,
Sent forth, guided ever by the cross,
to serve as you desire.
2.Come now, in the laying on of hands,
your servants to ordain.
Come, hear our prayer for them,
pour out your gifts like rain.
These we now set apart,
hold ever to your heart.
Come now, O Creator Spirit, come,
and glorify your name.
Words by Nathan Nettleton ©2006
Written for the Ordination Service of the Baptist Union of Victoria, Australia
Sung to the tune of Be Still for the Presence of the Lord
by David Evans ©1986 Thankyou Music
Complete lyrics are available on Nathan Nettleton’s website,Laughing Bird(click here)and may be freely reproduced for use in worship.