Psalm 40 Praise – Duncan Wilson, UK

Originally written as a responsive reading for the Second Sunday of Epiphany, Year A.



Ready-to-download and print:
Praise Psalm 40 — Duncan Wilson, UK WORD
Praise Psalm 40 — Duncan Wilson, UK  PDF

We wait patiently for the Holy One
who hears our cry for help.
lifting us out of the quick sands of fear,
setting our feet upon a rock,
holding us there, secure.

This Holy One gives us a new song to sing,
a song of praise and warning
to teach people to trust in God.

Happy are those who trust in their God
and avoid all false attractions.

You have done so many good things for us,
more than we can count.
None can compare with you.

You do not seek expensive gifts
or showy devotion.

Instead you rejoice in an open ear
and a responsive heart that says;
’Here I am, I am glad when I hear your call.’

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