Prayer arising from 1 Samuel 3:1-10 — Cara Heafey, UK

Prayers of Approach

Second Sunday of Epiphany, Year B

Trinity Sunday

Second Sunday of Pentecost, Year B


God our creator:

You spoke the universe into being

Your word is the source of all life

You spoke through the prophets

You speak to us still

We praise you!


Jesus, teacher, storyteller:

You spoke and people listened

Your words had power to heal

To quiet the wind and waves

To embarrass the proud

And lift up the humble

We praise you!


Holy Spirit:

You spoke in fire and rush of wind

In chatter and laughter and words of every language

You breathe life into the words we have inherited

You speak to us in silence

We praise you!


Speak to us, three-in-one God.

Still our hearts to listen…



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