Prayer for our fragmented world — Jill Teer, USA

Holy God
We come to you as people who love and trust you.
We come knowing that your love for the world includes all of us,
regardless of our views and opinions.
We thank you that we are loved as we are,
and we are grateful that you love us too much to leave us where we are.
Challenge us to become more interested in unity, rather than uniformity.
We claim to be a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world.
At this very moment, God, fragmented as the world is,
give us your insight,
that we might love our neighbours as ourselves,
and promote peace and grace for all of the world that you love.
In you we claim our breath and being.
May it be so.

Written in response to the 6 January 2021 insurgence and attack of the USA capital in Washington DC.


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