Psalm 23 for worship — Duncan Wilson, UK

Lectionary reading – Lent 4A, Easter 4 ABC, Proper 23 A, Proper 11 B
This might be read by a solo reader or responsively.

You are like a shepherd to us,
providing all we need.

You give us rest in green places,
you lead us by peaceful streams,
you help us recover our strength.

You guide us along the right paths
out of your sheer goodness.

Even when we go through death-dark valleys of danger
we are not afraid
because you are with us,
and your strength protects us.

You spread life before us, like a table full of good things,
you shower us with blessings.
Your cup of kindness is filled to overflowing.
Your goodness and love follow wherever we go
and we will be at home with you for ever.

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