Sabbath Rest — David Long-Higgins, USA

Photo by David Long-Higgins

This might be adapted for corporate worship changing ‘me’ to ‘us’ and ‘my’ to ‘our’.

Loving God,
Grant me the gift
Of sacred sabbath rest
Interrupting the inertia
Of inner and outer worlds
Addicted to endless activity
And productivity’s promise
That work alone can heal.

Unwind soul’s tightness
Unable to trust your promise
Of reinvigorating rest
Necessary to reset everything
Otherwise worshiped as urgent.

Press your present pause
Into my thinking and being
Stilling me into you
O Present Presence
Of love and laughter and life.

By this, interrupt my ego
And all it tries to control
With your abundant grace
Pouring yourself over everything
Baptizing ever-new beginnings
Granting me grace to sense and savour
The miracle of Your pulsing life
Often unnoticed in my body
For worry’s weary wandering.

Yes, Love,
Settle my soul into you
Giving rest to my words
Granting pause to my work
Growing in me whatever good
Grace I cannot create on my own.

Help me to savour this gift
You so freely give
To re-order my life
Giving grace and space
For your new creation
To rise in resurrection surprise
Made possible by you alone
Through sacred sabbath rest.

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