Song for Sunrise — Joy Cowley, New Zealand

Hey, beautiful morning, we’re singing your God song,

a psalm of seas and mountains, of empty roads

and houses yawning under a new blue bowl of sky.

It’s the song of the bellbird, of steaming cows in sheds,

of freckled trout quivering in deep dark pools,

and dew on cobwebs lacing trees.

Hey, beautiful morning, stay in our wakened hearts

so we can carry your God song into the busy day.

Remind us that newness is an ongoing gift

and that every moment is potential reborn,

but if our ears become full of other concerns,

and we lose the freshness of your song,

then comfort us with the knowledge

that you will sing with us again tomorrow,

oh beautiful morning, oh song of God.

From Psalms for the Road by Joy Cowley, 2005 (2nd Edition 2014), Pleroma Press, Central Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand

Printed with permission from the author.

Featured photo: sunrise on Holy Island, Northumberland, United Kingdom — by Ana Gobledale


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