What words express the mystery, wonder and joy of our faith without denying the fear of spreading war and climate crisis? What words shape our repentance for racism and environmental damage? How do we articulate the co-existence of doubt and trust, fear and hope?
What words express our yearning for a relationship with the Spirit of Life, God, Eternal One, our un-knowing, and the mystery of what we profess?
What words exclude no one, creating a welcoming embrace to all?
Words matter.
Worship Words networks writers and users across time and space and provides a place to share with others progressive and inclusive prayers, songs and liturgies. Explore these resources to find words relevant for your worship experience. Use as is or adapt the material to your context. All resources are free and without copyright.*
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*These resources have been submitted and collected from various sources. All are believed to be available for use in the public domain. Please inform the Editor if you know of any copyright or distribution restrictions. Thank you.