Ephesians 4:25-5:2, John 6:41-51 Lectionary: Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 14), Year B In Christ we put on a new way of being: Acting like a Christian may lead to becoming one. Ready-to-print copies: Drama – Ephesians 4.25-5.2 – T Gobledale WORD Drama – Ephesians 4.25-5.2 – T Gobledale PDF Note: the source of the […]
Joyful Wisdom, a Psalm — Ana Gobledale, UK
Inspired by Ephesians 5:15-20 and Proverbs 9:1-6, readings for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 15), Year B Sing with joy! Sing with spirit! Sing with thanksgiving! Wrapped in God’s wisdom, walk in balance with nature. Wise to the will of God, shout out what God has set before you. Sober in mind and body, […]
Hiroshima Day Images
Hiroshima Remembrance Day, 6 August On this day of remembrance, we remember the dead, the injured, the scarred, the broken lives. In many places paper lanterns will float on the waters of ponds, lakes and streams, each holding the memory of lives extinguished at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. May the images we choose to share in […]
Divine Spirit, prayer — John van de Laar, South Africa
Let us invite the Divine Spirit to blow through our lives and our world, as we lift our needs in prayer. Divine Spirit, we pray for all who have lost faith in themselves, in others and especially in you. May Spirit renew and inspire them again. We pray, Divine Spirit, for all who have lost […]
Go forth! — Ana Gobledale, UK
People of God! May you, like Ruth, be steadfast in love. May you, like Daniel, be obedient to truth. May you, like Rahab, be brave and self-sacrificing. May you, like Jesus, Shout out for justice! Go forth, people of God! Photo: Manchester UK
Easter Mystery— a quantum reflection, Heather Whyte, UK
I hear the Easter story, a story of betrayal and anger, of sadness and despair, of agony and anguish, of loss. A story of hope? A story of life beyond death? A mystery! Jesus is a name given to a relationship of energy. Jesus is the body. The body died. The body was put in […]
Do you not know?, hymn — Sam Goodman
Tune: St Anne (O God our help in ages past) Do you not know, have you not heard God’s love embraces all? A gentle touch, a helpful word A reassuring call Have you not heard, do you not know God’s love embraces you? God’s love holds you and God’s love grows Refreshes and renews Do […]
See how we love, hymn — David Williams, UK
See how we love (Together All) Lyrics and music (posted below) composed by David Williams. Together All! We wait upon the hour To stand and show your power To those with whom we live Together All! We long for them to say, as happened in the day ‘See how they love’! Refrain: So we stand […]
De-gendering God – Brian Schroeder
Brian Schroeder’s article, ‘De-gendering God: How inclusive language revolutionizes worship’, can be found on his website: Worship Forward–resources for inclusive churches. A church musician, Brian explains: ‘A great way to easily find gender-free worship songs is to seek out ‘You’ language. A lot of songs that refer to God as ‘You’ are safer bets for […]
Revelations of Ashley, What I truly believe — Jim Burklo, USA
The Revelations of Ashley All religious scriptures are the words of humans about God, not God’s words to humans. They were written by humans no holier than you or I. Just because lots of people believe a scripture is absolutely true, that doesn’t mean that it should make any more sense to you than a […]