Originally written in Palestine for World Communion Sunday
Slightly adapted for inclusive language
God of our grandmothers and mothers,
of Eve and Sarah, Miriam and Hanna,
Mary and Martha, Mother Mary and Mary
of Magdala, of Lois and Eunice
we come to your table today,
[World Communion Sunday,]
in this season of repentance
of leaves turning colors
of pomegranates bursting with seeds
to celebrate your love poured out for us
our trust rekindled
You call us to stand
at your watchtowers
to wait for your vision
You call us to put on our aprons
and serve you first
Host of the open and expanding table
we come to give up
our appetites for power
our thirst for revenge
our addictions to despair
our shame about suffering
we come empty handed
hands out to receive you
Host of the open and expanding table
we come to partake
of your body broken
your spirit living
in this bread.
We come to drink
from the cup of blessing
your love
given for us
Host of the Feast
we remember today
our ancestors in faith
our Jewish and Christian
grandfathers and fathers
our Jewish and Christian
grandmothers and mothers
we come to celebrate our heritage
the ties that bind us
generation to generation
one to each other
God of today and tomorrow
we live between memory and hope
for your kin-dom come
here on earth as it is in heaven
feed us
rekindle your light in us
to be your faithful servants
your seeds of transformation