Prayer of preparation
We celebrate the Divine Spirit, who hovered over creation and brought order out of formlessness.
We praise you, Spirit.
We celebrate the Divine Spirit, who filled Jesus with power and wisdom and, through him, made divine life available to all.
We praise you, Spirit.
We celebrate the Spirit, who has been poured out on all people, and leads us into the Reign of God.
We praise you, Spirit.
We gather at this table recognising Spirit’s Presence among us and opening our hearts to Spirit’s influence.
Silence – for prayer and reflection
God, we come knowing that we depend on you for life and truth and love.
We come knowing that you welcome us with open and accepting arms.
We come ready to meet with you,
and be changed by the encounter.
Prayer following communion meal
Thank you, Divine Spirit, for this meal of remembrance,
for coming to us as we have shared it.
May the love we find at this table be reflected in our lives.
May the power we receive at this table make us peacemakers and healers.
Divine Spirit, as you have filled us at this table,
lead us to proclaim God’s Reign in every word we speak and in everything we do.
Photo by Warren Lynn