This multi-voice responsive prayer might incorporate groups of readers or individual voices. Group/Voice 1 states the facts about the suffering in our world. Group/Voice 2 lifts up those taking action to improve the situation and change the world. Group/Voice 3 voices a prayer request.
Leader: Through our faith, we reach out to God, interceding on behalf of the powerless and voiceless. The framework for today’s prayers of intercessions, comes from a Christian Aid resource, and follows the themes of the United Nations’ Eight Millennium Goals. The words will resound from all corners of the church. Your response is written in the service sheet. When you hear the phrase, “Hear our prayer,” please respond saying, And, in your love, answer! Let us be in an attitude of pray.
Leader: Lord, we come before you now. Hear our prayer,
All: And, in your love, answer!
Group/Voice 1 Let us remember those suffering in poverty and hunger.
Group/Voice 2 Nearly one billion people go to bed hungry every night, and two million children die from malnutrition every year.
Group/Voice 3 Gracious God, we pray for an end to such suffering, for justice and peace.
Hear our prayer,
And, in your love, answer!
Group 1 As many as 69 million school-age children do not attend school.
Group 2 We remember and give thanks for those striving for universal education.
Group 3 Gracious God, we pray the thirst for knowledge throughout the world is quenched, so that the potential of all children is realised.
Hear our prayer,
And, in your love, answer!
Group 1 Women constitute half the world’s population, perform nearly two-thirds of its work-hours, receive one tenth of the world’s income, and own less than one hundredth of the world’s property.
Group 2: We remember and celebrate those promoting gender equality.
Group 3 Gracious God, we pray we honour your image in all people.
Hear our prayer,
And, in your love, answer!
Group 1 Nine million children still die each year, before they reach their fifth birthday.
Group 2 We remember those working to improve child health.
Group 3 Gracious God, we pray we always care for people of all ages, as if caring for Christ.
Hear our prayer,
And, in your love, answer!
Group 1 More than 350,000 women die annually, from complications during pregnancy or childbirth, almost all of them – 99% – in developing countries.
Group 2 We remember women who bear new life.
Group 3 Gracious God, we pray care is provided, to end this needless and tragic loss.
Hear our prayer,
And, in your love, answer!
Group 1 Every day over 7,400 people are infected with HIV and 5,500 die from AIDS-related illnesses. Malaria kills a child in the world every 45 seconds.
Group 2 We remember those who work tirelessly, to care for the ill, and those who seek cures.
Group 3 Gracious God, we pray we always might reach out to so-called untouchables, in mind, spirit and body, extending your love and your healing touch.
Hear our prayer,
And, in your love, answer!
Group 1 Every day more forests are destroyed, more rivers cease to flow.
Group 2 We remember those who clean up, the messes we make, and those who speak prophetically, into our wanton carelessness.
Group 3 Open our eyes, unstop our ears, that we might know what work you have for us to do, to bring health and wholeness, to all of your creation.
Hear our prayer,
And, in your love, answer!
Leader: May our faith and our words, stir us to action, knowing your will, is to bring justice and goodness to all. When we pray “Thy will be done”, make us agents in its doing. Transform us into your arms and feet today. May we intercede not only in word, but in deed, on behalf of all your creation. Amen.
PAUSE – sit down.
Thank you!
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Intercessory prayers – adapted from Christian Aid
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Intercessory prayers – adapted from Christian Aid
- by Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson
- by Dick Stuart