Children and their loved ones: My voice matters.
Worship leader: When someone is being treated badly, I will say that is wrong.
Children and their loved ones: My voice matters.
Worship leader: When someone is being left out of the group, I will say that is wrong.
Children and their loved ones: My voice matters.
Worship Leader: When someone is being called a bad name, I will say that is wrong.
Children and their loved ones: My voice matters.
Worship Leader: When I speak up against someone being treated badly,
Children and their loved ones: My voice makes a difference.
Worship Leader: When I speak up against someone being left out,
Children and their loved ones: My voice makes a difference.
Worship Leader: When I speak up against someone being called a bad name,
Children and their loved ones: My voice makes a difference.
Worship Leader: All of our voices make a difference. We will use our voices to make a better world.
Children and their loved ones: Thanks be to God.
A note from Amanda:
‘This responsive reading was written during the activity hour following a workshop I offered at the United Church of Christ Musicians Association annual meeting. The workshop was entitled, Our Work: Creating Inclusive, Antiracist Liturgical Materials. During the activity hour following the workshop, I invited participants to give me an assignment and one participant mentioned the paucity of inclusive liturgical materials for worship involving children. I allowed Matthew 15:21-28 to inspire me.’