Easily adapted for use relating to any country or people.
Loving God, thank you for your welcoming embrace.
Your acceptance of our imperfection is ever an example for us to strive for.
Forgive us when we fall short – when we are quick to reject and quick to condemn.
Inspire us to spread your love even when it is not reciprocated.
Protecting God, watch over the people of _______________.
Shelter____________ from those that would inflict harm, and let it continue to be a country of peace.
Nurturing God, be with the faith communities of ____________________ .
Lend your wisdom to their leaders.
May each group be strengthened as a tool for your work that it is working to become.
Healing God, give us the compassion and the resources to care for our brothers and sisters in difficulty.
Help each individual to find the solutions and the peace that they are seeking.
Help us all to learn from each other, to respect each other, and to realize what is truly important.
Let your priorities be our own.
We pray in the name of the migrant who loved us all more than we can comprehend.