Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year A
So dear ones this is the hope of this Lenten Gospel reading.
Our sisters and brothers who have been entombed will rise.
The question is where are we in the Lazarus story?
Are we standing there paralyzed by the force of our own weeping?
Are we working or chipping away at the stone?
Are we throwing stones at the stone?
And when Lazarus appears bound in his death shroud, what do we do?
Do we run away in fear?
Do we join with the others in the gentle task of unbinding
one bandage at a time?
God of infinite Compassion
who weeps with us
commands us to remove all stones
You have called us back to life
from the death grip of imperial violence
and occupation to serve life.
You have commanded us to rise
and “stay human”
to unbind ourselves and others.
God of the donkey
You have inspiredus to sing and shout
down the Mount of Olives.
God of the cup
You have asked us to keep you company
stay awake in the garden.
God of the basin and the towel
You have asked to love one another
to carry your cross
bear our own.
God of the empty tomb
You have asked us to believe
to live resurrected lives
with your grace and mercy may it be so.
This prayer can be found on Loren’s blog. Click here.
- ‘Shadows of the Wanderer’ by Ana Maria Pacheco, UK
- Prayer flags, Nepal — by Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson
- The Wall, Palestine -Sadaka photo