Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A Ready-to-Act: a story from Exodus 1:8-2:10 Characters: 1) Narrator, 2) Pharoah, 3) Pharoah’s Daughter, 4) Miriam, 5) Midwife Shiphrah, 6) Midwife Puah Provide large-font copies for all actor/readers; no memorization required. Print landscape with two columns to avoid hiding mouths behind sheets. Script Narrator: Now a new king […]
Peter’s gaffe & remorse, Palm Sunday drama — Ana & Tod Gobledale, UK
A Palm Sunday Dialogue with reflection Mark 14:27-31 (Year B) Introduction to Dialogue: Pray with me. May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of all our hearts be acceptable to You. Amen. Australians call them Stuff-ups. What is a “stuff up?” Wait for an answer. Yes! Blunders, errors, mistakes. When I commit them, […]
John 3, Nicodemus & Jesus conversation, Lent 2 Year A
A dramatic reading Year A, Second Sunday of Lent–12 March 2017 John 3:1- 21 (adapted from the New Revised Standard Version and “The New Testament and Psalms: an inclusive version” published by Oxford University Press in 1995) Narrator: Today’s reading is taken from John’s Gospel, the story of the encounter between Jesus and […]
Epiphany drama — Ana & Tod Gobledale, UK
Reading and Heeding the signs of the Times Matthew 2.1-12 Note: The “king” or “magi” or “wise one” may be named as appropriate for the congregation. The part may be played by either a woman or a man. The “minister” might be any worship leader. Originally written for Epiphany Sunday, Year A. Script Minister: …This […]
Naaman interview, 2 Kings 5 — Tod & Ana Gobledale, UK
Rote makes right: Healing through ritual Year C, 21st Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 23) 2 Kings 5:1-3; 7c-15 Luke 17: 11-19 This sermon includes an interview with Naaman. Minster: What ritual or practice brings God’s presence into your life on a regular basis? Turn to your neighbour and share for a moment. What ritual or […]
We shall go out with hope of resurrection (hymn) — June Boyce-Tillman, UK
Metre: Tune: Londonderry is commended for this text We shall go out with hope of resurrection, We shall go out, from strength to strength go on, We shall go out and tell our stories boldly, Tales of a love that will not let us go. We’ll sing our songs of wrongs that can be […]
Global Prayers for Syria & Peace
We continue to pray for Syria and peace. Prayers for Syria. . .
Season of Creation — 1 Sept – 4 Oct
This annual observance, stretching from 1 September to 4 October (Day of St. Francis of Assisi), aims to raise awareness about the urgency to care for creation as a response to the ecological crisis. Click on category to view resources created for the Season of Creation (Creation-tide) Songs Complete services Psalms Prayers Dramas, litanies, choral […]
Prayers of the people — Jo Clifford, UK
Written for Seventeenth Sunday of Pentecost, Year C Note: There’s an invitation for all to say the line in bold. The prompt is always “Amma”. Abba You are our mother and our father And we try to believe you love us Abba, Amma, Remind us we are not alone Abba We don’t always seem to […]
International Day of Peace 21 September
The International Day of Peace, marked each year on 21st September, is a time for individuals, community groups, nations and international organisations to re-commit to the way of peace with justice. The UnitingJustice Australia website provides worship resources, including a Call to Worship, Litany for Peace, prayers of confession and intercession, blessing and dismissal, UnitingJustice Australia is […]