Daily Prayers for Thursday Solidarity with the poor –from a Daily Prayer Series by Lawrence Moore, UK Affirmation I live today because of God, the Giver of Life, Jesus, the Bread of Life and the Spirit, the Presence of Life. Praise and thanksgiving There are no no-go areas for you, God of the Poor. […]
Psalm 23, Loving Shepherd — Lynne Roberts, Australia
Originally written for the fourth Sunday of Lent, Year A, but usable any Sunday focusing on Psalm 23. Prayer ready-to-print Gracious God, loving shepherd, friend and constant companion we thank you for the stillness of your presence that restores our souls. We acknowledge your comfort and guidance in the hard places and tough decisions of […]
Passion/Palm Sunday
What words express the hope, the anticipation, the surge of the excited crowd? What words fill the air of our worship centres? filling the hollows of the week ahead? How do we express the shadow looming? the darkness beneath the palms? Songs for Palm/Passion Sunday: Dramas for Palm/Passion Sunday: Worship Words resources for Palm/Passion Sunday: […]
Prayers of Intercession, Pentecost 17 — Ana Gobledale, UK
for Pentecost 17, Year C As people of faith, we accept our interconnectedness with all people, and all creation. And so we unite our hearts in prayer for those in need. Let us draw near to the divine and to one another through our prayers of intercession. There is a responsive line at the end […]
The Lord’s Prayer — interpreted by Sam Alexander, UK
Ready-to-print copies: PDF The Lord’s Prayer – Sam Alexander WORD The Lord’s Prayer, Sam Alexander Those things that are good and right and true: I acknowledge them with honour and love; These things are come, These things are done, This Earth is a living Heaven. I am provided for with abundance, I am wealthy […]
Psalm 148 — Thandiwe Dale-Ferguson, USA
Psalm 148:1-5, 7-13, adapted Year C: Sunday after Christmas 5th Sunday after Easter Presentation: try using 6 voices or 3 people with 2-3 sections each. Praise the Eternal One! Praise God from the heavens; praise God in the heights! Praise God, sun and moon; praise God, all you shining stars! Praise God, you highest heavens, […]
Advent Prayer in time of Drought — Phyl Austin and Ana Gobledale, Australia
Creator God, We pray for our beautiful world. Yet as we consider your amazing creation, images arise of global warming, greenhouse gases, climate change, and rising sea levels. We bring to you in prayer farmers whose land is dry and parched, And our need for drenching rain to fill our catchment areas and water our […]
Wedding for two women, Tod Gobledale USA
This wedding ceremony united two women in holy matrimony, declaring them married in the eyes of God and their families. It preceded the legalization of same-sex-marriage in the USA. I was serving a United Church of Christ congregation in the Seattle area in 2009 when I officiated at this wedding ceremony. Of the two parties […]
Intercessions for a New Creation (Revelations 21) — Lawrence Moore, UK
Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year C — Revelations 21 Read the prayers aloud. At each point, pause to reflect and fill in the names of places and people as appropriate. There will be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain, for the old things have passed away. God is making all things new. […]
Confession of a New Creation — Lawrence Moore, UK
Pause before the prayer, allowing God’s Spirit to search your heart. Make your own confession. Pause after the prayer to experience the reality of God’s forgiveness. The old ways are so comfortable, O God. They fit like old slippers; they feel like old friends. I don them more readily than my resurrection clothes; I live […]