For Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year C God is gracious with blessings. God’s face shines upon us. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy! We sing for joy, for God judges the peoples with equity and guides the nations upon earth. Let the peoples praise God! We praise God, for God’s […]
Psalm 148, Call to Worship — Ana Gobledale, UK
Inspired by Psalm 148 5th Sunday of Easter, Year C 1st Sunday of Christmas, Year C Appropriate for Blessing of Gardens & Gardeners, Earth Day, or Blessing of Animals services. Presentation: The three questions, asked by Voices 1,2 and 3, might be asked by children or youth, or posed from different places in the gathered congregation. […]
Celebrating the Church, hymn for a Church Anniversary — George Stuart, Australia
Tune: Hyfrydol For the lyrics, music and a power point, click here As we come in celebration, We now contemplate our past We delight in former friendships And the love that holds us fast; All our past is now accepted; Through its troubles we have grown; Now the future beckons to us, Knowing we are […]
Tinged with Greed — Joyce Dent, Hampshire UK
Creator of the Universe, Lover of all that you make, We thank you for this marvellous world Which you have given us for our home. Help us to show our gratitude As much by our lives as by our words. We acknowledge that so often Our best efforts are tinged with greed, The desire for […]
Earth Prayer — Sensei Ulrich, Canada
We gently caress you, the Earth, our planet and our home. Our vision has brought us closer to you, making us aware of the harm we have done to the life-network upon which we ourselves depend. We are reminded that we have poisoned your waters, your lands, your air. We have filled you with the […]
Psalm 77:11-20 — a paraphrase and more — Australia
We call to mind your deeds, and remember your wonders of old. We meditate on all your works, and muse on your mighty deeds. Your way, O God, is holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who works wonders You have displayed your might among the peoples. When the […]
Prayer for Lent — Cara Heafey, UK
Wild and restless spirit of God Accompany our Lenten journeys. Give us courage to spend time in the wilderness The place where you bring us face to face with ourselves. Help us to pray with honesty Help us to live with simplicity Make us hungry and thirsty for your life-giving presence. When we return to […]
John 1:5, Come, shine in the darkness — Cara Heafey, UK
God, you are not distant from us You came to us in vulnerability You offered yourself as a gift of love. We pray today for those who are in the midst of darkness The darkness of poverty The darkness of loneliness The darkness of grief The darkness of despair Wherever shadows threaten to overwhelm Wherever […]
Remembrance Sunday Prayers — Cara Heafey, UK
Merciful God, your love embraces all of creation. Your realm knows nothing of the borders we draw between nations. You have taught us that every woman, man and child is our neighbour. You have commanded us to love, love, love, without thought of our own security, or glory, or gain. Remind us that you have […]