You who remembered Hannah Hear us You who saved Hagar Behold us You who gave courage to Esther Help us You who gave laughter to Sarah Care for us You who did not judge Rachel Forgive us You who cast your shadow on Mary Protect us Based on an old Scottish prayer, by Anna-Claar Thomasson-Rosingh, […]
What words accompany us through the Lenten journey? How do we cry out? How do we express the cravings of our deepest being? What words comfort and challenge us in the wilderness of life? Lectionary Year resources — click on the year: Year A Year B Year C Ash Wednesday resources: Lent Songs: Lent Prayers […]
C: Lent
Lectionary readings & resources for Lent Year C… Click on the link for all Worship Words Lent resources.
These Mandalas have been created and shared by Roger Lynn, USA. Use them freely to enhance your worship.
Transfigured Revealed magnificence Appearing in radiant glory Truth bursting forth illumination of wonder divine umbilical cord connected radiance raining upon beholders What words do we use to describe the indescribable? What metaphors bring us closer to the experience, the meaning? Whatever we think happened, however we interpret the story, this revered and remembered moment holds […]
In our darkest night (intercessions) – Katherine Baxter, UK
A responsive prayer of intercession for our world Within our darkest night, Let your light shine. God of all creation, you hold the depths of the earth in your hands. You are closer to us than the air we breathe. Fill our souls with your wonderful love and light. Give us strength and courage to […]
Elemental, Lent candle ritual — Ann Blaedel, USA
A ritual for Lent: lighting candles in a bowl holding ashes, tulsi *, soil, and salt This might be incorporated into weekly worship or used for personal devotions. Elemental. Death mingling with life. The remnants of fire, holding the beeswax that becomes flame. Holy basil, cleansing and healing. Soil, where life begins and ends. Salt […]
You call us, hymn — Sue McCoan, UK
Tune: © Horsted Keynes by Matthew Prevett Download tune with words as a PDF You call us, as you called the Twelve, To walk with you the narrow way. From every background, here we stand, Your raggle-taggle pilgrim band, From travelled years or early days, Through failings, new starts, hopes, delays; Be with us as […]
Psalm 37 Renewed — Duncan Wilson, UK
Epiphany 7, Year C, Revised Common Lectionary Neither be distracted by, nor be in awe of wicked people. They will wither and fade like the desert grass. Put your trust in the Holy One and steer a straight path. Find there your heart’s desire. Surrender to this way and find ever present help so that […]
There is no ceasefire — Loren McGrail, Palestine
There is no ceasefire Ana. We must continue to pray for a ceasefire and a peace with justice. Rev. Loren McGrail, living in Palestine Received in response to last week’s prayer post, below. Adapted prayer for a ceasefire God of Love, Guide us by the truth. Let us not be blinded by banners waving empty […]