Arising from Exodus 3.14 (Year A, Season after Pentecost, Proper 17)
I am.
I am who I am.
There are times when I know who I am.
There are times when I don’t know who I am.
There are times when I wish I didn’t know who I am.
I have a God, who when asked for a name said “I AM WHO I AM”
I am – the essence of being; the crux of creation.
I am – probably the words that brought the universe into being, creating the stars in the heaven, creating the laws of physics, of chemistry, of biology.
I am – creating for us a world of wide variety: of wonders and horrors, beauty and scars, richness and paucity, of opportunities and certainties.
I have a God, whose name is “I AM WHO I AM”, or I am who I was, who is, who will be.
As I get to know my God and God’s works, I come to know more of who I am.
As I get to know more of the I who I am, the more I feel unworthy to stand before the God whose name is I AM WHO I AM.
Of myself, I know who I have been all too well. I know perhaps who I am. I don’t know who I will be.
God, loves the I who I am even when I don’t.
I have a God, whose name is “I AM WHO I AM”