Non-Binary Awareness Week is ‘dedicated to those who do not fit within the traditional gender binary or, put simply, those who do not exclusively identify as a man or a woman, or who may identify as both a man and a woman or may fall outside of these categories altogether.’ From Open Table Liverpool: ‘One […]
Interdependence Day – David Long-Higgins, USA
O Trinity of Love, Form in us a passion For your joining grace For your grand vision Of loving interdependence Flowing all around us. Gift us with a deep desire To behold each other As you behold us Savouring your marvellous Diversity and complexity Necessary for the nuances Revealed in your tapestry of grace. Let […]
Spirit, Call to Worship — John van de Laar, South Africa
In a world dry and thirsty Living Water flows; In a world fainting and breathless Divine Wind blows; In a world cold and dark Spirit’s Flame glows; Spirit has always been here, and we open our awareness to perceive her and receive her. Spirit is here! We give thanks and celebrate! John […]
I am the wick — Steve Garnaas-Holmes, USA
I am the wick You are the flame I am the silence You are the presence I am the space You are the stillness I do not know how to pray as I ought But I hold still and you pray in me. I am the seen You are the rest Visit Steve’s blog, Unfolding Light, […]
Independence from what? for what? a confession — Ana Gobledale
Independence Day for Jamacia for Ghana for the United States of America breaking away from oppression forgive us for the ways we keep others back down, under, behind, invisible breaking away from tyranny forgive us for the ways we claim privilege, power, prestige forgive us when we walk through an open gate and close […]
Umbilical Creation: celebrating dependence — Steve Garnaas-Holmes, USA
God, I confess my idolatry: the illusion of independence. On this day I declare my dependence. I am free. I am capable, and responsible; but I am dependent. I am dependent on generations, on neighbours, on peoples I can’t know, in many lands, on nations and their peace, on the earth and its fruits, its […]
Psalm 30 Renewed — Duncan Wilson, UK
Written as a responsive reading, or for two voices. Come together, all you faithful people and lift up your praises to God! Just think how much God has given you then come forward with your thanks. God’s anger may last for a moment but God’s goodness fills a lifetime. Tears may linger at nightfall but […]
Psalm 9 Renewed — Duncan Wilson, UK
Our God is a tower of strength to those who are oppressed, a fortress in time of trouble. Those who know you put their trust in you for you never abandon those who come to you. The nations are plunged into a pit of their own making and snared in their own deceptions. But you […]
Praise the Spirit, communion — John van de Laar, South Africa
Prayer of preparation We celebrate the Divine Spirit, who hovered over creation and brought order out of formlessness. We praise you, Spirit. We celebrate the Divine Spirit, who filled Jesus with power and wisdom and, through him, made divine life available to all. We praise you, Spirit. We celebrate the Spirit, who has been poured […]
Introducing Inclusive-language usage
How do we best introduce alternative inclusive translations, transliterations and interpretations of sacred texts? Do we shoe-horn people into inclusive language? Do we leap into inclusive language usage? Consider using these words from First Congregational United Church of Christ in Sarasota, Florida, with your congregation: ‘As you encounter and engage these words, I invite you […]