Year C – 11th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 13) Prayer of approach Generous Creator, imaginer of the earth in all its rich diversity You invite us to come as we are, to receive the gift of abundant life. Rabbi Jesus, story-teller, You invite us to come as we are, to sit at your feet, to […]
Psalm 138 — Ana Gobledale, UK
Proper 16 (usually 12th Sunday after Pentecost), Year A Written for two voices Voice 1 — lifts prayers directly to God. Voice 2 — reflects on the nature of God. Worship Leader: Hear the grateful words of the Psalmist. Voice 1: I give you thanks, O God, with my whole heart; before the gods […]
Luke 10:25-37 – Drama: The Good Samaritan — Ana Gobledale, UK
For 8th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 10), Year C For 3 Actors/Readers: Narrator, Lawyer and Jesus Readers may hold scripts throughout. Narrator: In today’s Gospel reading, Luke presents one of the instances someone examines Jesus with the intent to trick him, at least with words. In this case, it is a lawyer questioning Jesus. The […]
Prayer of Intercession — Lynne Roberts, Australia
God of grace and compassion Our hearts are full of gratitude as we think of the many blessings in our lives: the gift of faith to believe in you, the love of family and friends, for shelter, clean water and plentiful food, for access to education and health care, for the freedom and speech and […]
Taize, a reflection — Lynne Roberts, Australia
Lofty, cavernous space Warm, earth-toned candlelight enfolding me in its womb. Nothing can harm you A suggestion of incense Soft, background chanting hinting at generations past and to come. Vast eternal community gathered in microcosm. Come and pray in us, Holy Spirit Majestic windows drawing my soul upwards on the rising […]
All Saints Day
How do we remember the dead? What words ring true? Where do we gather? Traditions from different cultures can inspire us. Resources for All Saints Day:
A – Prayers for Sunday
From a Daily Prayer Series by Lawrence Moore, UK Sunday – Resurrection and New Life Suggestions: Light a candle or tea light. Read the prayers aloud. Affirmation I live this day in the presence of God, the embrace of Jesus and the joy of the Spirit. Lighting the resurrection candle The Light of Christ […]
Progressive Perspective Liturgy — Pilgrim Uniting Church, Adelaide, Australia
This active website for worship planning “from a progressive perspective” is chalk-a-block full of ready-to-use resources! Focusing on the Revised Common Lectionary, this”resource website for worship planning” for Adelaide’s Pilgrim United Church in the City provides “a compilation of resources from various sources, as well as resources written by Pilgrim worship planners.” One ready-to-use item […]
I Dream a World — Langston Hughes, USA
Though the original words are exclusive, the sentiment is eternal. The bracketed phrases have been inserted to include everyone… I dream a world where [each person] No other [person] will scorn, Where love will bless the earth And peace its paths adorn I dream a world where all Will know sweet freedom’s way, Where greed […]
Beautiful Diversity, responsive reading — Ben Saunders, USA
Call and Response One: Humans of God’s creation, we are diverse. Many: We are beautiful. We are unique. We judge each other’s differences, yet our diversity is an illustration of the infinite mystery of God. All: The God in me sees the God in you. One: Humans of God’s creation, we are political. Many: We […]