Splish Splash! Drip Drop! Water of Life, You wash over the world. You quench our thirst, Water plants and trees that give us food, Wash us clean, Tumble over rocks and roots in rivers, And ebb and flow in oceans. Thank you for water! Help us use water wisely, carefully and joyously.
Luke 7.36-8.3, Jesus at Dinner, hymn — George Stuart, Australia
For 4th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C in the Revised Common Lectionary Tune: Hyfrydol 8787 D For the lyrics, music and a power point, click here. Jesus, when he went to dinner, he used every time and place To proclaim God’s love and mercy, and display forgiving grace; Jesus, when he went to dinner, used […]
John 7:38, She trusts, hymn — WDP
She that trusts in me from her deepest heart, Shall rivers of living water flow forth. She that trusts in me from her deepest heart, Shall rivers of life flow forth. She that trusts in me is the theme song for the World Day of Prayer worship service prepared by women of Sweden for the […]
Psalm 32 prayer — Ana Gobledale, UK
Inspired by Psalm 32 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C Eternal One, You have blessed us. You have forgiven our hurtful actions. You have blocked out our mistakes and wrongs. When you add up our errors, the total always seems to vanish. And we start with a clean slate. You erase our shame […]
Psalm 32, Call to Worship – Ana Gobledale, UK
Inspired by Psalm 32 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C Trust in the Eternal One We come in hope. Rejoice in God’s unfailing love. We come in faith. Celebrate the forgiveness that is ours. We come to sing with gladness.
Psalm 30, Call to Worship – Ana Gobledale, UK
Third Sunday after Pentecost, Year C Call to Worship (inspired by Psalm 30:4-5) A responsive reading Sing praises to the Eternal One. Today we praise the sacred with enthusiasm. Rejoice in the morning light. We rejoice in the never-ending love of God. Sadness and anger have darkened our paths. Yet in the light of hope we […]
Liturgy for Blessing Gardens and Gardeners
Blessing of seeds, soil, water, gardening tools and gardeners, for use in a springtime service of celebration. Can be used effectively connecting to Earth Day 22 April or in a Rogation Service (sixth Sunday of Eastertide). Everyone is invited to wear their gardening attire and bring their gardening tools and seeds. Suggestion: use children and […]
Blessings with water
What gives us life? What sustains us? Using water as the focus, we gather and bless one another. Worship Words resources for Blessing of water rituals: