The USA-based Liturgy Project provides hundreds of liturgical posts by authors around the globe. The free worship planning material is easy to locate using an extensive index. “Progressive Christianity is an open, intelligent and collaborative approach to the Christian tradition and the life and teachings of Jesus that create pathways into an authentic and relevant religious experience.” […]
Prayer: Remembering our baptisms, Acts 2 — Ana Gobledale, UK
Year A: Third Sunday of Easter A Prayer based on Acts 2:14a,36-4 God of new beginnings, Today we remember our baptisms: A day shrouded in an infant’s hidden memory A day chiselled in the sharp memory of a teenager A day gloriously shining in the memory of a new convert. Your promises live in […]
Joseph friends Mary on Facebook — an Advent video
What would Joseph and Mary have written to each other on Facebook? A modern media conversation from an ancient story…enjoy ‘A social media Christmas.’ Might these be ‘worship words’ for a church screen? The images are white-Anglo, so creating a diverse portrayal may be desirable. “Bright idea: tip for using with youth… Now…watch this with […]
The King’s Christmas, a Christmas Panto — Ana Gobledale, UK
A British Panto never ruins a fairy tale, only makes it better. So logically, a Nativity Panto (or almost-Panto) won’t ruin the treasured Christmas story, but will only make it better. That’s the case with… The King’s Christmas: a Modern Medieval Play Script downloads (10 pages): PDF: Christmas Nativity – The King’s Christmas Panto WORD: Christmas Nativity – […]
The Cup of Our Life: A Guide for Spiritual Growth — Joyce Rupp
How might a cup guide you on your faith journey? Joyce Rupp’s book, The Cup of Our Life: A Guide for Spiritual Growth, invites the reader to use a favourite personal cup or mug for the focus item in a series of meditations. In her friendly and trustworthy tone, Joyce guides the disciple along a journey of reflection […]
Winter Words
Brittle chilled branches Revealing sacred presence streaked with winter sun –haiku by Ana Gobledale Words for worship and reflection during the winter season: Free images of winter: All photos posted on the Worship Words website may be used for worship and devotional purposes. Please acknowledge the photographer/artist.
Prayer, Our hope and future — Revd Garikai Mufanebadza, Zimbabwe
We ask that when we are tired and weary and longing for rest, you come and provide for us. When we cannot find your peace in our country and long for your blessing, provide for us. As we join the great circle of prayer with all the saints, we ask you to come into our […]
Peace Prayers — Disciples Peace Fellowship, USA
We pray for peace in our world, our nations, our communities and our homes. The Disciples Peace Fellowship offers weekly Peace Prayers relevant to the concerns of today. The language strives for inclusivity. It is easy to subscribe so the prayers pop up in your email each week. The Disciples Peace Fellowship is connected to […]
Prayer response to natural disaster — Christian Aid UK
Merciful God, we pray for those whose land and lives are destroyed by climate chaos, especially today in [country/area names affected current climate-related event]. We pray for those who give immediate humanitarian assistance, and for [Christian Aid / or other organisation through which the congregation supports assistance] partners who support communities in the slow and careful […]
Monthly Prayer Points for a just global climate
Worried about Climate Change? Concerned for our environment? Wanting to be a good steward of God’s creation? Join other Christians committed to make a stand for climate justice. Each month, a new ‘Prayer Point’ is posted on the website: Pray and Fast for the Climate. Here is the posting for July 2023 as an example: […]