Womb of light from whom we shine, but whom we cannot see but by looking away, only the unseen hides you, eye of darkness, ring of light, mystery of day’s bright night. We too are you, eclipsed. Let our horror of losing you remain. What conceals you reveals you, but only the merest edges of […]
New Year, a hymn — George Stuart, Australia
Tune: Bishopgarth For the lyrics, music and a power point click here: The New Year brings another time The New Year brings another time To practise some reflection, To contemplate priorities; What past ways need rejection; The call of Jesus comes again To strengthen our connection To his inspiring way of life, And maybe change […]
Choices, drama about excess and need
A drama by Commitment for Life, adapted by Ana Gobledale Speaker 1: affluent western female stereotype Speaker 2: male or female Speaker 3: male or female, but a woman is more likely to be collecting the water. Speaker 1: What a great morning, sun shining. I think I will get James to get the private […]
Climate Prayers, responsive intercessions — Ana Gobledale
Prayers for our world While written specifically for URC Commitment for Life churches, this responsive prayer may be adapted easily for any congregation concerned with climate change. This morning we come before God who created this amazing world and everything in it. We come to confess that our actions, our lifestyles are damaging the world’s […]
God of justice — Prayers for our world
This prayer has been written specifically for congregations connected to Commitment for Life and Christian Aid. It might be adapted using other countries or areas with which your congregation is connected through prayer and action. The people of the world, our neighbours near and far, cry out to God. In faith, we pray on their […]
Mission Moment — Kakoli Khatun, Bangladesh
While written specifically for URC Commitment for Life churches, this monologue, adapted from a Christian Aid news story, may be adapted easily for any congregation connected to Christian Aid. Worship Leader: Commitment for Life is our church’s way to make a difference in the world. This global outreach programme enables us together to live […]
Mission Moment: Mrs Nyarai Zirugo, Zimbabwe
While this monologue is written specifically for URC Commitment for Life churches, it may be adapted easily for any congregation connected to Christian Aid. This monologue has been adapted from a Christian Aid news story. Worship Leader: Commitment for Life is our church’s way to make a difference in the world. Commitment for Life enables […]
Mission Moment: Rabiya from Bangladesh
While written specifically for URC Commitment for Life churches, this monologue may be adapted easily for any congregation connected to Christian Aid UK. (adapted from a Christian Aid news story) Worship Leader: Commitment for Life is our church’s way to make a difference in the world. This global outreach programme enables us together to live […]