
Hold — Sam Goodman, UK

Teach me the habits that love you Show me the visions that ring true Shower on me the light that shines through In all of this hold me Give me the courage to reach out Help me to challenge where I find doubt Let me grow so I am curious about How you are holding […]

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Peace, Watched Word by John Potter, UK

Do you bring peace?, hymn — Sam Goodman, UK

Tune: Williams, ‘Yes God is good’ Do you bring peace, will your peace last? Do you bring justice to this place? Do you bring hope when all is lost? Do we respond and share your grace? Do you plant seeds on barren land? Do you bring wine to quench our thirst? Do you speak words […]

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Callings, a prayer — Joan Smith, UK

Help us to see you, to recognise your special role in our lives. Help us not to be afraid of new situations. Sometimes you call us to live differently, or walk in a new direction. Help us to follow you with eager hearts, always trusting in your mercy.

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The nights are closing in — Amy Boucher Pye, USA

The nights are closing in, And darkness descends. Sometimes I feel lost in the dark, Wondering where you are; If you’ve left me. At times like these, Remind me of your presence and love And help me, Gently, to educate my feelings To fall in line with the truth of your promises. Enable me to […]

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In the darkness and doubt, a prayer — Ana Gobledale, UK

Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Easter), Year C John 20:19-31 Eternal One, as we travel through life’s valleys, in the places of darkness, and despair, we know that you are with us. Even when life’s doubts assail us, we know that you still abide with us, watching over us. Strengthen our faith. Help us […]

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Thomas’s Doubt, a Biblical Drama for the Sunday after Easter — Gobledales, UK

Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday after Easter), Year C John 20:19-31 Acts 5: 27-32 *Bible quotations are from ‘The Inclusive Bible,’ Rowman & Littlefield publishers 2007 Certainties & Doubts: a Biblical drama The worship leader interviews ‘Doubting Thomas’ discussing doubt, faith and our world today.  The script includes an introduction and conclusion and an […]

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John 20, In Praise of Doubt (hymn) – George Stuart

Year C Easter 2 Reading: John 20:19-31, particularly verses 19-29. Not specifically on the reading but on the general issue of doubt Tune: Forest Green For the lyrics, music and a power point, click here. In Praise of Doubt Some people say, ‘To doubt is wrong’ We should not doubt at all; To question our […]

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