Amanda Udis-Kessler — open-hearted composer, lyricist & liturgist, USA

Amanda Udis-Kessler– hymnwriter, songwriter, composer, and writer — specializes in music and lyrics for liberal religious people and communities, including inclusive, social justice-minded Christians, Unitarian Universalists, and other open-hearted religious traditions.  She served informally as composer-in-residence at Vista Grande Community Church (UCC).  Her music website, Queer Sacred Music, includes numerous songs. Her second website features her writing (non-music items).  Click on the link to see Amanda Udis-Kessler’s liturgical work.

Thanks to Amanda for her generosity in sharing her work through Worship Words:  ‘You have my full, express, written, and permanent permission to print my lyrics in full on Worship Words. Anyone interacting with your website has my full, express, written, and permanent permission to remove or copy any and all of my resources from Worship Words (and from my websites) and to freely print such resources for use in worship or other events and to adapt such resources for their immediate context as appropriate or desired (as long as such adaptations do not contradict the open-hearted and fully inclusive spirit of my materials).’

Amanda’s resources posted on Worship Words:

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