The Second Coming of Christ – written for Pentecost Tune: Church Triumphant For the lyrics, music and a power point click here Our Lord, our teacher, healer, friend, The One whose love shall never end, Back years ago he lived his life When times were harsh, in days of strife. We look for signs of his […]
Lord’s Prayer – The Prayer of Jesus
Which words resonate for you? Our Mother… Our Father… Our Creator… We are Servants of the Word, not slaves to the words of worship. “We invite you to use the language for God that is most comfortable for you: ‘Our Creator,’ ‘Our Father’ or ‘Our Mother.’” –suggestion in the service sheet at the First Congregational Church, […]
Old words, familiar words, the sung doxology lives in the hearts and on the tongues of many Christians. The most familiar English version was written by the 17th-century Anglican bishop and hymnwriter, Thomas Ken. I’ve heard several modern versions which alter the language to be inclusive and relevant to modern worshippers. Here are some variations on the theme… […]
The power of words
So God speaks the universe into creation. So words of kindness create goodness; words of cruelty create hurt. Our words matter. What words are you using in worship?
Passing the Peace
Passing or sharing the “Peace of Christ” is a common element in Christian worship. What words feel comfortable for your congregation? Here are some variations on the theme…
Renew our Lives, a prayer — Bernard Thorogood
O Holy Spirit, Spirit of God You are Love. Fill our hearts so that we may know how to forgive. How to understand. How to cherish and how to let go. Holy Spirit, you are truth. Teach us the way of Christ. Expose all falseness in our values and cleanse us from prejudice. Give us […]
Prayer for Openness — Joyce Rupp
Remember the Holy One is with you. Bring to mind this loving presence within you and around you as you pray the following: Open my mind to remember your presence. Open my mouth to speak your wisdom. Open my heart to extend your love. Open my hands to serve you generously. Open my whole being […]
Reflection on a daughter’s ordination — Ana Gobledale, UK
How does faith move from one generation to the next? How does God’s call reach into the heart? Does it pass from one heart to another? Does it blow, like the wind, from a mother’s or father’s very breath? Does it come from a new place, from a separate place, or does it pass through […]
We will live in our children’s stories — Jeanne Lohmann, USA
Our stories lie down in the orchard, their time is not now, but something is coming, something is going away. They rise to the stars, and wait to be told. There are listeners who know how little we know, how much we are feeling. We had to go our own way, a little off course, […]
Mystery of matrimony: a daughter marries — Ana Gobledale, UK
The mystery of matrimony “Who brings this woman to be married?” We do. To be married To be coupled To be knotted, twisted together Today tomorrow to death Joining a heritage of still-married Great grands through alcoholism and a debilitating stroke The hospital bed at living room centre Year after year Today tomorrow to death […]