Cara Heafey - prayer

Rainbow Prayer, thanksgiving & intercession — Cara Heafey, UK

Inspired by Genesis 9:8-17, Mark 1:9-15 and Micah 6:8 God our creator, thank you for those moments when the natural world surprises, delights, and stops us in wonder. The brilliant blue flash of a kingfisher. Rose-gold sunlight on bare-limbed trees. A rainbow, radiant against dark grey clouds. May we notice and appreciate these shining gifts. […]

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Confession, you know us — Cara Heafey, UK

Confession and assurance God of love, you know us inside and out. With you there is no point in hiding or pretending. You invite us into your presence, and we come as we are. We confess that we often forget to listen for your voice. That moments of stillness are few. We hurry about with […]

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Reign of Christ, Intercessions — Cara Heafey, UK

Originally written for Reign of Christ Sunday*,  the last Sunday of the Church Year. God of love: hear our prayer. This morning we think about those who hold positions of power. We ask that you bless them with wisdom, convict them with conscience and afflict them with compassion for all those who are affected by […]

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Prayer for religious tolerance – Cara Heafey, UK

Who shall we say that you are? Quiet God, Who comes in silence Vulnerable God, Who comes in frailty Elusive God, Wrapped in mystery Who shall we say that you are? We speak of you with many names, Knowing that none will hold you. Remind us, when we need reminding, that our words, creeds and […]

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Psalm 42 prayer – Cara Heafey, UK

Prayers of approach Based on the phrase in Psalm 42: “Deep calls to deep…” Eternal one, creator, God of covenant promise, ever-faithful, You commit to us. You continue to shape us. You know us. You are close to us as breath. Deep calls to deep… may we lean into your love. Jesus, Saviour, Lamb of […]

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Autumn Prayers of Approach and Confession — Cara Heafey, UK

God our creator, The glory of this season reminds us of your artistry As nature displays a riot of colour: Bright berries on the hedgerows, Trees aflame with oranges and reds, Golden leaves carpeting the rich dark earth. Let all creation sing your praise! God our provider, The bounty of this season reminds us of […]

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Prayer of Confession – Cara Heafey

Gracious God We confess our greed. To feed our insatiable appetites we have plundered the earth and its resources, stripped the forests, polluted the rivers, depleted the oceans, poisoned the soil, choked the good clean air. We take and hoard more than we need, leaving others without enough. We continue to feed the monsters that […]

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Climate prayer — Cara Heafey, UK

God our creator and provider the world you have made reflects your glory. Your praises are sung by the birds in their daybreak chorus and the wolf in her plaintive howl. Sacred melodies are played by the wind as she dances among trees or sweeps across grasses. Gentle percussion can be heard in raindrops and […]

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Prayer for Trans Visibility Day — Cara Heafey, UK

31 March Transgender Day of Visibility Creator-God, mother and father of us all, you delight in all that you have made. We rejoice in the glorious diversity of your creation. You have room to hold us all inside your love. Rebel Christ, at home on the margins, you rejected the names and labels others imposed […]

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Confession, Reign of Christ Sunday — Cara Heafey, UK

Jesus said, “My realm is not of this world.” And yet, we confess, sometimes we still get seduced by the values of empire: wealth and power and glory. Loving God, you see us as we are. You know our secret battles and all the ways in which we fail to live out your call upon […]

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Prayer of approach & confession — Cara Heafey, UK

Prayers of approach and confession Loving God Our souls sing out in worship And all of creation bursts forth with praise! For you look with compassion on all who suffer. You shed tears of sorrow with those in grief. You reach down into the dark pit of hopelessness. You kneel in the dust to lift […]

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John 2.1-11, Prayers of approach — Cara Heafey, UK

By Cara Heafey, UK inspired by John 2:1-11, Wedding in Cana (Epiphany 2 Year C) Prayers of approach and confession Ready-to-download and print: Cara Heafey- Wedding in Cana – Prayers of approach and confession WORD Cara Heafey- Wedding in Cana – Prayers of approach and confession PDF God, our creator and provider, we bring you […]

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Prayer arising from 1 Samuel 3:1-10 — Cara Heafey, UK

Prayers of Approach Second Sunday of Epiphany, Year B Trinity Sunday Second Sunday of Pentecost, Year B   God our creator: You spoke the universe into being Your word is the source of all life You spoke through the prophets You speak to us still We praise you!   Jesus, teacher, storyteller: You spoke and […]

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Prayer of Approach, Proper 13 — Cara Heafey, UK

Year C – 11th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 13) Prayer of approach Generous Creator, imaginer of the earth in all its rich diversity You invite us to come as we are, to receive the gift of abundant life. Rabbi Jesus, story-teller, You invite us to come as we are, to sit at your feet, to […]

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John 1:5, Come, shine in the darkness — Cara Heafey, UK

God, you are not distant from us You came to us in vulnerability You offered yourself as a gift of love. We pray today for those who are in the midst of darkness The darkness of poverty The darkness of loneliness The darkness of grief The darkness of despair Wherever shadows threaten to overwhelm Wherever […]

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Remembrance Sunday Prayers — Cara Heafey, UK

Merciful God, your love embraces all of creation. Your realm knows nothing of the borders we draw between nations. You have taught us that every woman, man and child is our neighbour. You have commanded us to love, love, love, without thought of our own security, or glory, or gain. Remind us that you have […]

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