Creation Time worship resources

Welcome to our future — Arne Noon, USA

God gave us paradise Then the devil (a creation of God) Convinced us that perfect wasn’t good enough We wanted hyper-perfection We threw away perfection (a creation of God) Convinced that we can do better (than God…) God still gives us now And we still choose to waste it Convinced that one ‘taste’ is better […]

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Holy Air, poem with movement — Susan Brecht, USA

The Air, the Air is everywhere. Holy Air, Stirring the waters of creation, Sweeping across the desert. Breathing life into humans. Feel the Air, Holy Air, like the rush of a mighty wind awakening lost spirits. Breathe the Air source of life, filling a newborn’s first cry. Breathe deep, the Holy Air, centring in your […]

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Rainbow Prayer, thanksgiving & intercession — Cara Heafey, UK

Inspired by Genesis 9:8-17, Mark 1:9-15 and Micah 6:8 God our creator, thank you for those moments when the natural world surprises, delights, and stops us in wonder. The brilliant blue flash of a kingfisher. Rose-gold sunlight on bare-limbed trees. A rainbow, radiant against dark grey clouds. May we notice and appreciate these shining gifts. […]

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Our Urgent Prayer – EcoCongregationScotland

Sustaining God, we pray with urgency for the leaders of our species and those with concern for our common home. Give to those who make decisions a freedom from the burdens of a past which have pushed us to this cliff-edge. Give a dawning vision of your offer of healing greater than the blocked horizon […]

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Bleak Gaia — Sam Goodman, UK

Bleak Gaia* A climate kairos worship resource responding to the climate crisis All at peace Slowly rotating Tomorrow creeps Procrastinating Swirled in mists Alone in space Where we exist On a wafer-thin face Clothed in blue Silently screaming And wrapped anew Resplendently dreaming Suspended and drifting A mountain of wealth And angels are lifting More […]

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Climate prayer — Cara Heafey, UK

God our creator and provider the world you have made reflects your glory. Your praises are sung by the birds in their daybreak chorus and the wolf in her plaintive howl. Sacred melodies are played by the wind as she dances among trees or sweeps across grasses. Gentle percussion can be heard in raindrops and […]

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God’s Garden — Alice Robson, USA

Alice, age 7, shared this poem as part of an eco-service for the United Reformed Church in Great Britain. This is God’s garden, God wants us to care. God also has asked, ‘Could we manage to share?’ God’s words plant a seed in our mind And God really wants us to try and be kind. […]

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Call to worship for Endangered Species — Creation Justice, USA

Written for Endangered Species Day, 17 May by Creation Justice USA. This resource has been adapted for inclusive language and imagery.  The last two lines are additions. How many are your works, Creator! In wisdom you made them all. The earth is full of your creatures.  You call your creation ‘very good.’  It is good, and […]

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Psalm 104, Cool waters — Ana Gobledale, UK

A Psalm for World Water Day 22 March Inspired by Psalm 104: 1, 10-13 Eternal One, your magnificence astounds us. You direct springs to gush forth, to flow along valleys, to slither between hills, providing drink for wild animals, to cool parched throats, to quench thirst. Beside streams you create safe havens for birds who […]

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Golden Ball, reflections at sunset–Joyce Dent, UK

My golden ball hangs by a golden yarn From my wood-gold curtain rail; It is half-obscured by the golden drape With its pattern of golden sun-rays. Behind it the fading golden sky Is streaked with the grey of evening clouds. And then I recall that my golden globe Was formed from the glowing white-gold ash […]

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Stardust — Lorraine Steel, USA

Genesis 1 is often included in readings for the Easter vigil, Trinity Sunday and Epiphany. As the stars slid down the beams of the universe in it’s beginning, they burned with love…. so much so that some became vulnerable and exploded. Eons later, in free fall toward our planet many of their parts held us […]

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Endangered Species Day, 3rd Friday of May

Endangered Species and Christian Faith When God called on Noah to protect all creatures, Noah had no choice which creatures to load on board. All of creation belongs to God, and Noah was merely caretaker. Like Noah, we have a moral responsibility to safeguard God’s creatures from irreparable harm from the dangers they face today. […]

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New verses for ‘How Great Thou Art’ — Ana Gobledale, Zambia

Creator God, your love abounds forever; Creation’s beauty fills the earth and sky. Your shining stars, the universe expanding, Amazing power, creation does display. Chorus: Creator God, we lift our song to you, How great your love, how great your love.  (repeat) When through the veld and grassy plains we wander, we hear the birds, […]

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Climate in our hands (hymn) — George Stuart, Australia

Tune: Russian Hymn For the lyrics, music and a power point, click here. This wondrous universe tells of God’s glory, Endless in space and forever in time; We are astonished when we contemplate its story We have a place in this myst’ry sublime. This planet’s destiny, life in its beauty Rests with the choices we […]

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Earth Day – 22 April

While Earth Day is set on 22 April, these creation-focused resources might be used throughout the year.  Many will be relevant for the Season of Creation (also called Creation Time) now celebrated in several countries in September. Recently posted Earth Day resources:  (Click on image.) Alphabetical listing of Earth Day resources:    

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Psalm 148, The Divine Gardener — Ana Gobledale, UK

Praise the Divine Gardener! Inspired by Psalm 148 Praise the Eternal One, the Divine Gardener. Who plants the sun, the moon, the stars in the heavens. Who creates earth, the amazing garden upon which we live. Who loosens rocks into teeming, incubating soil. Who spreads the seeds of life in the seas, land, and skies […]

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