Prayers for Today

What words do we pray throughout our day?

In the morning?  Midday?  Evening?

How might prayer, intentionally reaching out to Love, define the rhythm of our day?

Try some of these prayers throughout your day.

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Prayers for each day of the week…

Morning words

I wanted something that would weekly put me in the place where renewal in the Holy Spirit could happen....

Lawrence Moore

Lawrence explains:

I began looking for a daily prayer series that would nourish me in the sort of spirituality that is necessary to be ‘transformed by the gospel’ and ‘making a difference for Christ’s sake’ (i.e. life-in-mission). I wanted something that would weekly put me in the place where renewal in the Holy Spirit could happen; where I was engaged with the vital questions posed to faith by our contemporary context (depth experience of God, a habit of prayer and spiritual discipline, global warming, human suffering, and faithful discipleship of Jesus).

I couldn’t find what I wanted, so I wrote my own.

In offering these to others, I am conscious of how personal they are. I don’t mean ‘personal’ in the sense of being intimate; I mean it in the sense that they are my words and work for me. I have tried to keep them as free of ‘Church-speak’ as possible; tried to be as honest before God as Jewish Old Testament spirituality encourages us to be, and to make them open-ended and non-prescriptive in the belief that they need to facilitate and create a space in which we can commune with God.

If they work for you, I shall be only too glad – and humbled.
